Download Xperia Z5 Z3 Compact MTP Driver Windows 10

Here you can download the Windows 10 MTP Driver for Sony Xperia Z5 and Z3 Compact. Without the driver, we’ll never be able to connect our Xperia Z5 or Z3 Compact with our Windows 10 laptop in MTP mode. All we can do is only charging the battery.

Download Xperia Z5 Z3 Compact MTP Driver Windows 10

Here are two steps we need to take to make Windows 10 recognize Xperia Z5 and Z3 Compact.

Step1.  install: 'KB3010081' --->
Step 2. install: 'KB3099229'--->

And you are done. Open My computer and you will see MTP logical drive in there.

Remember that we need to restart Windows 10 after installing each of the KBs.

After one more reboot, you may see your phone model/ make as drive label.

Thanks to Rupesh Diwaker.

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